pátek 23.12 | 10:00 - 19:00 |
sobota 24.12 | zavřeno |
nedělě 25.12 | zavřeno |
pondělí 26.12 | zavřeno |
pondělí | 10:00 - 19:00 |
úterý | 10:00 - 19:00 |
středa | 10:00 - 19:00 |
čtvrtek | 10:00 - 19:00 |
pátek | 10:00 - 19:00 |
sobota | 10:00 - 19:00 |
neděle | 10:00 - 19:00 |
Birthday cakes
All our cakes are made of light sponge dough (vanilla or chocolate), filled with fruit and fine whipped cream or curd cream. Notification A4 format is not twice bigger than the round one, possibility to make 24 pcs. is due to different format.
It´s prohibited to bring your own cakes or refreshments to Koala Café.
In really extraordinary cases we allow own cakes but only if that cake is from authorized sweet shop and you present a receipt. Under these circumstances we charge you 250,- Kč for serving.
We are also able to make special customed shaped cakes for you. Price for these cakes is individual and depends on weight, ingredients and difficulty.
Birthday parties in Koala Café are unforgettable!
Book them in good time!
Dolnoměcholupská 209/17
Praha 10, Hostivař
Odpovědný vedoucí: Kamila Lacinová
e-mail: info@koalacafe.cz
tel.: 212 241 171
Narozeninové oslavy oslavy@koalacafe.cz